Abbi Hoxleigh


ABBI HEAD, Member of the Woman Who Achieves Academy

Company Name:

Little PR Rock Marketing


PR and Communications Strategist




Abbi Hoxleigh is the founder of Little PR Rock Marketing. She is a PR & Communications Strategist creating positive digital footprints and legacy media coverage for industry experts with a social purpose. Abbi is a member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) with a ten-year career as a charity Media Officer. At her core, she loves communication and is a purpose-driven academic learner who leads by example. She won 2nd place in the Media Relations category of the Public Relations Today Most Valuable Post (MVP) Awards 2022 for her article on media overexposure. For more information.
Abbi’s Blogs

Aim Toward Confidence And Foster It Daily

5 Conditions That Work Out Your Resilience Muscle

The Mindset To Become A Thought Leader

Abbi’s Press

I Am A Woman Who (2021 Edition)

My life journey has been a series of moments when I was either lost for words or ‘running off at the mouth’. I know all too well the power of words and, as my father said, ‘There is a word for everything. 



When I saw the opportunity to join Sandra’s Woman Who Achieves Academy, I knew it would be one of the best decisions I have invested in.

I wasn’t wrong as her weekly hints and tips are invaluable to me on my journey to a becoming a public speaker. Sandra’s generosity in such a challenging time for people in the lockdown is overwhelming.

She has a calming and supportive manner which makes her a pleasure to listen to and her words are spoken with sincerity and integrity. I have felt a sense of her innate warmth and her experience is evident in so many areas. I am not at all surprised that this incredible lady has an MBE.

Abbi Hoxleigh

Little PR Rock Marketing