by Sandra Garlick | 25, Jun 2023
Calling all women in business in Warwickshire, Worcestershire, and the West Midlands. Join us for the Big Festive Afternoon Tea at Hogarths, Solihull on 30th November. Booking Deadline: Mid-day on Monday 20th November 2023 We’d love you, and...
by Sandra Garlick | 1, Jan 2023 | Be Inspired, Networking
As an entrepreneur, the power of networking can enhance, grow, and boost the visibility of your business. It makes logical sense to include networking in your yearly marketing schedule. For many, the start of a new year allows you to reflect on the state of your...
by Sandra Garlick | 5, Dec 2022
Join us for our monthly online networking event—each month Woman Who hosts the Woman Who Inspires Online Network. Woman Who events are relaxed and timed precisely to fit around your caring responsibilities. There is no membership required and no exclusions. Everyone...
by Sandra Garlick | 1, Oct 2022
Woman Who is back with another Woman Who Inspires Network in Sheffield. Woman Who launched in Sheffield just weeks before the pandemic hit and everything ground to a halt. We had a relaunch in September and we’re back again at the Doubletree by Hilton Sheffield...
by Sandra Garlick | 30, Sep 2022 | Be Inspired, Blog, Solopreneur Awards, Sustainability & Net Zero
What does it mean to you and your business when you hear about net zero and sustainability? Are you already striving to become a sustainable business? Or do you need to dig deeper into what net zero means and why small businesses are trying to understand and do more?...