People buy from people, so if you’re still hiding behind your logo you’re not going to reach your ideal client and those potential clients are going to go elsewhere. You want to be at the forefront of everyone’s mind when they’re looking for your product or service.
If you want to become visible fast, then the Let’s Get Visible®… the One-Day Visibility Bootcamp is definitely for you. It’s a full on Visibility Strategy Day.
It takes place over one full day in a small group so that you can totally immerse yourself in your surroundings and the content delivered by Sandra Garlick MBE, Public Speaker and Founder of Woman Who.
You will learn different ideas and strategies to become more visible and come away with a Visibility Stragegy for 2025, having made new friends, armed with the tools, tips and techniques you need to be everywhere, even when you’re not!
This is a full-on Visibility Bootcamp… A full day of training to spend time doing something for you, your business, and your personal development.
It will be a small group so I can interact with you individually, tailor the content specifically for you and your business, as well as group work during the day.
TIME: 10.00am-4.00pm (including lunch)
One full day of total immersion with Sandra Garlick MBE (in person).
We will learn how to:
Plus, you will come away from the day with a visibility strategy that you can implement straight away.
Includes all learning, materials, feedback, support, refreshments, and lunch.
Plus, you’ll get break-out sessions, amazing food, and refreshments at a stunning venue.
£297 plus VAT
Simply book now to secure your place
Any questions? Simply get in touch